viernes, 31 de enero de 2014

4º ESO Volleyball questions

SEND BEFORE: FEBRUARY 15th.. 24:00 hrs.

1.- How many points must a Volleyball set have got?

2.-Name 3 different serves.

3.-Which pass do you use to change the direction of a dig?

4.-Which is the usual pattern in volleyball?

5.-When was the libero introduced?

3º ESO Volleyball Questions

SEND BEFORE: FEBRUARY 15th.. 24:00 hrs.

1.-How do you call the forearm pass?

2.-How many sets are in a Volleybal match?

3.-When Willian G. Mogan invented the Volleyball ?

4.-Which players can jump near the net?

5.-Explain the rotation?

2º ESO Volleyball Questions

SEND BEFORE: FEBRUARY 15th.. 24:00 hrs.

1.-Which is the obejtive of the block?

2.-When was Beach Volleyball introduced to the Olympic Games?

3.-What is a spike?

4.-Which players can jump near the net?

5.-Which colour wear the libero?

1º ESO Volleyball Questions

SEND BEFORE: FEBRUARY 15th.. 24:00 hrs.

1.-Who was William G. Morgan?

2.-When was Beach Volleyball introduced to the Olympic Games?

3.-Which colours have the Official ball of Volleyball?

4.-Which players can jump near the net?

5.-When was the libero introduced?

domingo, 26 de enero de 2014

BACHILLER Volleyball Questions

SEND BEFORE: FEBRUARY 15th.. 24:00 hrs.

 BACHILLER Volleyball

1. How do you say when the ball is smashed across the net?

2. What part of the body you used to make a dig?

3. How do you say  when winning a serve back from the opposition?

4. When can the "libero"serve?

5. Does a block into your own court count as a touch in volleyball?

VOLLEYBALL WEBS (1º a 2º de E.S.O. y Bachiller)

Webs para los trabajos de Volley.