miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2017

BACHILLER Ejercicio 2ª evaluación

Send to your class e_mail before SATURDAY 18 MARCH

Read the following article FENCING and answer the following questions.

1) Which is the most important rule in foil fencing? Explain it with your own words
2) Which is a valid target area?
3) What is the proper clothing?
4) How many hits do you need to win a bout?
5) Explain 4 different orders given by the referees in a bout.

1º,2º,3º y 4º E.S.O. Ejercicio 2ª evaluación

Send to your class e_mail before SATURDAY 18 of March

Read the next article Choreography Suggestions and answer the following questions:

1) What do you utilize to keep the audience interested?
2) What should you do to became familiar with the music?
3) What is "choreografy filmically"?
4) Where would you place the best part of your choreograpy? And the second best?
5) Explain with your own words the last paragraph: "Enjoy the process of making a piece.  You'll be tempted to focus only on the final result, so don't miss the satisfaction of the creative process, and the joy of dance, along the way. "